Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Trip to Tan A

It's been a while since I've posted. I've been debating addressing that, the lag time I mean. But as so often let's just skim. I bought some fabulous armchairs from Diversity this weekend, they are packed with stuff from Spring cleaning and I've been a sanding machine but I still haven't settled on the fabric. I'm thinking Kokka upholstery fabrics ... but if you have any suggestions bring it. We went to a great wedding where we were late (it was a Catholic one ... they notice those things) we got searched on a military base, got lost on that same base, we walked several miles and forgot the gift but other than all that we had a blast. (In other words, yes, it was an open-bar). Besides that I've been focused on World Malaria Day that took place this past Friday. Did you buy your bed net? If not ... you can here

So with all of that this was the first really mellow weekend in a while. Saturday was dedicated to finding and working on the chairs and today was grocery shopping. OK, there was more than grocery shopping but that was the highlight. This was only the second time I've been to Tan A, the Asian Supermarket here, and I don't know why I don't go more, probably the cash or check only thing, but it's so worth it. It's not often that I get milk candy, Ponzu dressing, soba noodles, bok choy, chili peppers, etc. etc. but really, that's going to change.

The largest problem I have at the Asian market is distractions ... no I probably won't like Lychee pudding but I HAD to walk around with it -- and honestly will probably go back and buy it. Either way that's another post. But the other thing is ... what are THESE? I'm not sure -- I didn't buy one -- but really this is a mystery that needs to be solved. The only problem I have with the Asian market is the drawings and bright colors on everything -- it's hard not to get excited about it -- so I went in prepared  ... you know a list, novel idea. So what was the outcome? Well besides the milk candy that I'm munching RIGHT NOW I made a great Asian Chicken Salad with Snap Peas and Bok Choy from Epicurious. I wish I had taken a picture but we ate it without thinking. It was THAT good. Epicurious has a great photo on the site. Anyhoo -- that's the recipe, highly recommended ... and yes two of us ate the four serving amount -- it was from all that sanding I'm sure (and of course I always shimmy the ingredients around). Enjoy!